Friday, 31 October 2008

Back from our Hols!!!

We got back from my Dads in France at 1am Tuesday morning after being on the road/sea for 22.5 hours!!!! we were pooped. I thought I would share a few pics of the holiday with you as I have no bargains or crafts to show right now.

This was taken in the drive of Dads house, William brought Barnaby bear home from school so he could go with us to France, William has written a few things in a journal for Barnaby to take back to school with him.mmmmm, William being brave/silly climbing to the top of this rather high climbing thingy!!!

What a poser my daughter is lol.

One of our evening walks with dad and the dogs.

Last, but by no means least a beautiful sunset looking out over Dads.

I will be back soon with more bargains (hopefully) and crafty stuff, thanks for popping by

Trish xxx


Lace hearts said...

I bet you all had a fabulous time - welcome back! xxx

Elaine said...

WOW I can comment (it didn't look like this last time I tried)

It's good to have you back, and I noticed your hair too. My word it grows quickly (or have you cheated)

Love and blessings

angel said...

Lovely pictures Treacle, and your icklies look like they had a great time. *smile*

Its good to have you back with us.
Love and hugs honey. Mwah X x X x X

Anonymous said...

Welcome home!!!

Looks like you had a wonderful time.

Trish said...

thanks girls :) we had a great time :0

Elaine, I have really long hair at the mo, the pic in my profile is about 4 years old lol

No one is you ...& that's your power said...

hope you had a great hol, I think I would be worn out too that was a long journey on the sea!
ps love the spotty diary, a real bargain and very pretty x

angel said...

Is Ds Ok Trish what was wrong!! i bet you were scared stiff. Hugs Honey X x X x X x X