I want to thank Caroline of Lace Hearts for this award, thank you hunny. Its a friendship award and I am so pleased (and blessed) to have her as a friend. I will need to think about the others as most of the blogs I would have chosen have already been chosen.
See you soon, thanks for visiting
Trish xxx
Aw, thanks. You've made me smile, again. You have a knack with the way you say things! I love the fabric, and will investigate! Caroline xxx
Very intriguing Trish, how long do we have to wait??? Saturday ????
Congratulations on your award, you deserve it hun.
Love and blessings
*Sings* I'm sill waiting ..... i wanna see what your gunna do with that fabric..... *stamps foot* i dont like waiting ......... pft.
You deserve all the awards honey, co's your so sweet, and we all love you Muchly. :-)
Mwah X x X x X x X x X Mwah
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