Trish xxx
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Advent Calendar and Toothless Grins!!!!!
A couple of weeks ago I went to the Sheffield Crop run by Jo and we made advent calendars using baking tins, magnets and bits and bobs from our stash, this is my effort.

I had great fun making this, using loads of bits and bobs that I thought would languish in my craft stash forever!!! Its still not fully finished, I want to get some holly punch outs round some of the edges just to fill a bit more space (hate leaving space lol) The kids have always had an advent calendar each, but this year I will have one too!!!! am getting a little over excited about Christmas now.
And now for something completely different (said in true python fashion) my two toothless kids, 3 teeth out in just over a week, the toothfairy is now officially skint!!! Grace has always had one tooth missing (she only had nineteen) its there but not ever come through, so it may well come now, so at the mo she has 17 teeth William has (at long last) lost the tooth that has been moving for a couple of months, his other top one is on its way out too, anyone want to loan the toothfairy a quid???
Trish xxx
Trish xxx
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And don't they both look cute!!
Love your advent calendar too. I may buy myself a chocolate one this year as everyone else here has one!
Not forgotten your bottles -I will get around to finding something to pack them in!
What beautiful children!
Your advent calendar's not bad either ... glad you took a photo of the 11th!
They look so sweet.
I think your advent calender has worked fantastically - just send it my way! LOL. xxx
of course sandie, I can't forget our speshal day LOL
Lacey, nono!!!! not unless you send me all your fabric LOL
Ohh beautiful calendar, and the kids are not bad either. LOL
Wow i love them they are so cute, fancy losing teeth so close to Christmas! insencridiate icklies....*smile*
Loads of love Treacle. Mwah X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X Mwah
WOw! Your calendar looks gorgeous Trish.. still not finished mine - although have finished the cards now... so hope to get it finished before monday!! LOL!
Gorgeous piccie of missing teeth too!
oi love who you calling Barking ..... You know i cant help it .......*smile*
Did you open your Advent No1 yet?
Scrummy ....... i forgotted mine .. may get one cheep next week..... lol.
Love and huggles Treacle. Mwah X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X
oh I love your advent calendar!, I think kids look so cute with teeth missing, Holly has 4 missingat the min so the tooth fairy here is a bit broke too! x
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